Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Can we diddle around with poetry while the Ukraine burns?

Standard Bearers

    Inspired by Chuck (I wanted to fix it in other words)
    The bear has unleashed her claws;
    do you face her down
    or blink,
    or pause?
    Can you weave your way to neutrality
    or will you face the storm
    throw back fury for fury?

    Do you toot on the trumpet or answer it?
    Are your martial words a prelude
    or sh!t?
    Can you stand behind one more Neville Chamberlain
    or stand at the bulwark
    with your resolve plain?


  1. Hello Harry, hows it hanging with you?

  2. My god, your blog is harder to get into than FORT KNOX....LOL

  3. Ukraine...
    My answer was gone in less than 5 minutes, it doesn't pay to answer your questions Harry. See answer below.

    Yes! Better that than WW3. Oops! don't you agree? Will intelligence prevail to avoid a nuclear GALE?"
